Say what? FREEDIVER: Triton Down just took home its first big award of 2020! We're proud to announce that our little VR adventure title has snagged the title of "Most Popular VR Cloud Game" as awarded by Migu!

The award was announced on August 1st at ChinaJoy 2020, the largest gaming and digital entertainment exhibition in China. In its 18th year, the ChinaJoy conference and exhibition took place from July 31st to August 3rd in Shanghai. This massive annual event was headlined by impressive industry juggernauts like Tencent and Qualcomm, and has featured products ranging from the Nintendo Switch to the latest in VR/AR 5G cloud-gaming. (This is where we come in!)
Earlier this year, we teamed up with Migu, resulting in the release of FREEDIVER: Triton Down and Evasion on Migu’s new 5G cloud-gaming solution, dubbed Migu Quick Gaming. Since that big launch, FREEDIVER has surged in popularity in China, thus earning the title of “Most Popular VR Cloud Game.” This accolade was also awarded to the incredible Beat Saber, a game we're proud to share the glory with for obvious reasons!
Our CEO and Founder Frank Shen had the honour of accepting the award at China Joy. Check out the new hardware! (Looks like we'll have to make a little room on our shelves!)

Want to know what all the fuss is about? You can pick up FREEDIVER: Triton Down on PC VR, Oculus Rift/Quest, and PlayStation VR!