Time to take a deep breath and take the plunge: we’re pleased to announce that the Extended Cut of our submersive adventure VR game, FREEDIVER: Triton Down, is available now for $14.99 USD on PlayStation VR and Oculus Quest!
That's not it! We're also beyond excited to reveal The Story Drops, an episodic deep dive into the world of FREEDIVER that goes far beyond the game. Every episode will tell a never-before-heard story in unique mediums such as audio dramas, webcomics, and more.

Once you've played FREEDIVER: Triton Down Extended Cut, join us at 12pm PT March 4th for the premiere of The Triton Incident, an audio drama that explores the dizzying aftermath of the Triton disaster. Available only in Discord!
The original cut of FREEDIVER: Triton Down was released on PC VR in May 2019; from the intense underwater escape from a sinking ship, to its gesture-based swimming mechanic, to its nomination for VR Game of the Year, it took players by surprise. Since then, we’ve heard your requests for FREEDIVER on PlayStation VR and Oculus Quest, and are now excited to share the new Extended Cut with the PlayStation and Quest communities!

Just what does “Extended Cut” mean? While reshaping FREEDIVER: Triton Down for these new VR platforms, we had the opportunity to build on what made the original game great, while exploring some of the wild ideas that still kept us up at night.
For us, that meant turning the lights out, and the tension up. (Yes, even more than the original.) All-new levels on the ship have been added and plunged into darkness, introducing an extra layer of challenge to the many puzzles you’ll encounter. To help you swim your way through the murk, we’ve also added a handy flashlight: its beam is powerful, but there are some dangers in the depths that only a cool head and lightning reflexes will save you from.

Above all that, we listened to our number one request from the community and expanded the Sci-Fi-inspired story of FREEDIVER: Triton Down even further. The capsized Triton is littered with lost audio logs of the crewmembers’ final days aboard. Are their fates sealed? What caused the rogue wave that sent the Triton plummeting to the ocean floor? And who—or what—is the mysterious specimen named Emi?

We had a blast returning to the uncertain underwater world of FREEDIVER: Triton Down, and we hope you love escaping the Triton disaster as much as we loved brewing it up. So grab your MOVE Controllers or your Quest headset, get those swimming arms ready, and most of all: #DontForgetToBreathe.